Tuesday, March 9, 2010




Terror-inspiring Dragon
Of exceptional fearsome-Terror,

Powerful Ninurta!

Rising Hurricane,
Mighty possessor of august strength!

From whose grasp,
No Enemy/Aggressive lands escape!

Fitted for Heroism from the Womb


<<< - * - >>>

From Sumer Unto Islam

From El To Al-El.ah (Allah)

Sacred Figure & Paradigm Shifts:

Ninurta / Mardukh (Al-Maarid) / Mikha-El (Michael)




Perceptual Paradigm: Cosmos.
Mode of Communication/Expression: Symbols.
Perceiving Faculty: Soul.
Perceptual Data Processing: Psych(e)ological.
Seat of Polity: Temple.



(Babylonian / Post-Sumerian 1)

Perceptual Paradigm: Mythos.
Mode of Communication: Poetry.
Perceiving Faculty: Heart.
Perceptual Data Processing: E-motional.
Seat of Polity: Camp.


Mikha-El / Meekaal

(Abrahamic / Post-Sumerian 2)

Perceptual Paradigm: Logos.
Mode of Communication/Expression: Prose.
Perceiving Faculty: Mind.
Perceptual Data Processing: Mental.
Seat of Polity: Palace.


” . . . . ”

"Blank / No Name / No Revelation"

( Post-Sumerian 3 )

Perceptual Paradigm: Chaos.
Mode of Communication: Techné.
Perceiving Faculty: Body.
Perceptual Data Processing: Physical.
Seat of Polity: Market.

Paradigm Shifts:


Cosmos/Age of Gold


Mythos/Age of Silver


Logos/Age of Bronze


Chaos/Age of Iron

* * *


Perception here is Aesthesis in its original Greek sense. English does not do it justice. The same with Psyche, Cosmos et cetera.