Terror-inspiring Dragon
Of exceptional fearsome-Terror,
Powerful Ninurta!
Rising Hurricane,
Mighty possessor of august strength!
From whose grasp,
No Enemy/Aggressive lands escape!
Fitted for Heroism from the Womb
<<< - * - >>>
From Sumer Unto Islam
From El To Al-El.ah (Allah)
Sacred Figure & Paradigm Shifts:
Ninurta / Mardukh (Al-Maarid) / Mikha-El (Michael)
Perceptual Paradigm: Cosmos.
Mode of Communication/Expression: Symbols.
Perceiving Faculty: Soul.
Perceptual Data Processing: Psych(e)ological.
Seat of Polity: Temple.
(Babylonian / Post-Sumerian 1)
Perceptual Paradigm: Mythos.
Mode of Communication: Poetry.
Perceiving Faculty: Heart.
Perceptual Data Processing: E-motional.
Seat of Polity: Camp.
Mikha-El / Meekaal
(Abrahamic / Post-Sumerian 2)
Perceptual Paradigm: Logos.
Mode of Communication/Expression: Prose.
Perceiving Faculty: Mind.
Perceptual Data Processing: Mental.
Seat of Polity: Palace.
” . . . . ”
"Blank / No Name / No Revelation"
( Post-Sumerian 3 )
Perceptual Paradigm: Chaos.
Mode of Communication: Techné.
Perceiving Faculty: Body.
Perceptual Data Processing: Physical.
Seat of Polity: Market.
Paradigm Shifts:
Cosmos/Age of Gold
Mythos/Age of Silver
Logos/Age of Bronze
Chaos/Age of Iron
* * *
Terror-inspiring Dragon
Of exceptional fearsome-Terror,
Powerful Ninurta!
Rising Hurricane,
Mighty possessor of august strength!
From whose grasp,
No Enemy/Aggressive lands escape!
Fitted for Heroism from the Womb
<<< - * - >>>
From Sumer Unto Islam
From El To Al-El.ah (Allah)
Sacred Figure & Paradigm Shifts:
Ninurta / Mardukh (Al-Maarid) / Mikha-El (Michael)
Perceptual Paradigm: Cosmos.
Mode of Communication/Expression: Symbols.
Perceiving Faculty: Soul.
Perceptual Data Processing: Psych(e)ological.
Seat of Polity: Temple.
(Babylonian / Post-Sumerian 1)
Perceptual Paradigm: Mythos.
Mode of Communication: Poetry.
Perceiving Faculty: Heart.
Perceptual Data Processing: E-motional.
Seat of Polity: Camp.
Mikha-El / Meekaal
(Abrahamic / Post-Sumerian 2)
Perceptual Paradigm: Logos.
Mode of Communication/Expression: Prose.
Perceiving Faculty: Mind.
Perceptual Data Processing: Mental.
Seat of Polity: Palace.
” . . . . ”
"Blank / No Name / No Revelation"
( Post-Sumerian 3 )
Perceptual Paradigm: Chaos.
Mode of Communication: Techné.
Perceiving Faculty: Body.
Perceptual Data Processing: Physical.
Seat of Polity: Market.
Paradigm Shifts:
Cosmos/Age of Gold
Mythos/Age of Silver
Logos/Age of Bronze
Chaos/Age of Iron
* * *
Perception here is Aesthesis in its original Greek sense. English does not do it justice. The same with Psyche, Cosmos et cetera.
Perception here is Aesthesis in its original Greek sense. English does not do it justice. The same with Psyche, Cosmos et cetera.